Thursday, February 3, 2011

"best to get you some sleeves"

the song: "Damn I'm Cold" Bun B

Oh my gosh. It is so cold. Once again, it is evident that Texans are totally unprepared for winter. 

Flash back to Sunday morning when the husband and I were watching SNL on the laptop in our backyard in shorts. I have literally nothing to complain about, but cold always makes me mopey. A friend of mine put it best "I live in Central Texas. I should be in jorts and a tube top." Even in February.

So, in an attempt to stop feeling sorry for my self, I present my current top ten favorite things about winter. No particular order here, I'm just going with it.

1. Winter gardens. They are so lush, so pretty, so low maintenance. I probably lost all my plants last night, but they have been a pleasure while they lasted.

2. Over-the-knee socks. I'm a little late, but I just got a pair of these bad boys and they are making me love life just a bit more.

3. Cuddly Pets. They lay around all day. All they want to do is eat. My cats might have SAD. But it sure makes them cute. 

4. New classes. Each semester, I am assigned a whole new slew of cooking classes. It's always fun and challenging to get to know a new group of kids. Thankfully I've picked up a lot of classes this time around. Busy feels pretty good sometimes.

5. Roasted vegetables. Cold nights call for lighting the oven. Roasted vegetables served up with a bit of creamy polenta is one of the most perfect, simple dinners ever and to works best in the winter. Same goes for chili. It's just not right to eat chili when it's hot outside.

6. Baked goods. This is a lot like the last one, but any excuse to heat up the oven on a cold winter day is good in my book. Plus, cookies!

7. T.V. We have watched so much television this winter. And it has been so awesome that I have no regrets. I mean, have you seen the John Lithgow season of Dexter? And don't get me started on Portlandia. Actually, I'll just leave you with these two words: Nucky. Thompson.

8. Books. Definitely did more tv than books. But that's ok, because the books I read were really good! The Walking Dead is soul crushing in the best kind of way.

9. Seasonal beer. La Bestia Aimable. Cascabel Cream Stout. Winter Warmer. PrimusAnd these are all beers brewed in Texas. Holy cow- I love winter beers. Don't tell the other items on the list, but this is definitely my number 1. I mean, just look how happy/cold I am. 

10. Promises of things to come. Springtime in Austin. Potato planting. Green lawns. Margaritas. Planning a trip for my (eek!) 30th birthday. Really cheap asparagus. Sundresses. SXSW. Cookouts. Off-centered Film Festival. Swimming. 

And lots and lots of sunshine, because honestly I'm pretty over the rolling blackouts. Bring on the jorts!


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